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    Wednesday, February 29, 2012

    My Wedding Chronicles : Part 1 (Intro)

    Ive just upload a app called "blogit!" for my android phone. Hopefully from now on, i can post more while on the move. So i've decided to start a new project on my wedding ocassion, all the journey and all the preparations will be shared on my blog, as a journal towards the big day. Hopefully it will benefits some for their preparations too. As i may not cover all your dream plans, at least we'll know where to look and start. :) Well, as for start im engaged to my lovely fiance on the 31st December 2011, which we agreed and decided to hold the ceremony later this year, on 22nd December 2012 (22.12.2012). We spent RM2K each for the engagement ceremony which i spent most on the engagement ring, and her most on the kenduri and pelamin. Other main budget are mostly on the hantaran, as for engagement it consist more on sweet stuffs and food, such as cakes and choc. We save a bit on the budget as my mom did the hantaran arrangement herself.
    Done the 1st part. Now to the next step. Planning the wedding. :)

    MFPOTD #10

    Cinta giggling while chatting on the phone. Cute girl! :)